Project Description
Sona Lahore, “Sona” means “beautiful” and Lahore is the city. An event was organized by the local district government of Lahore which is the biggest city in the province, Punjab, and the second biggest city in Pakistan. Lahore carries a history and carries cultural heritage. Having seen so many ups and downs of history and cultures, Lahore in itself is now a whole world carrying a past and the willingness to excel in the future. From Rudyard Kipling to Abu-Rehan Al Bairooni, from the Victorian era to the Mughal era, from buildings and gardens to forts, this diversity makes Lahore amazing. So every year local district government of Lahore organizes some events and Sona Lahore is one of the events organized by them in Oct 2020, a turmoil period when the city was facing a huge wave of pandemic and the people of the city were exhausted by sitting home. For this event district government opened the doors for the private sector to come up and present their ideas and if they liked the idea they will provide a free-of-cost advertisement opportunity to that company along with the execution of that idea. The main theme behind this whole event was to uplift the beauty of Lahore, so when the people come out after lockdown they could feel the beauty of Lahore. When we got to know about such an event, we approached the authorities and by the time we were left with 10 days only.
The area aligned to Nippon was the liberty roundabout which itself has a history of more than 70 years as this roundabout is also a very popular landmark in the city. So, the challenge was to come up with the idea by which we could create a big hype and stand out among all. After much consideration and by taking an eagle-eye view of the location we realized that we have a canvas of a hundred thousand square feet so why not make the largest painting of Pakistan. A thing which was never done before, so keeping this in mind we started the execution process which itself was not that easy as we just had seven days to execute the plan. The first challenge was to analyze which paint is suitable for the road as this activity was not done earlier by any paint company in Pakistan. The second challenge was to complete all the paintwork applications in one night as we already had limited time for the execution and it is one of the busiest locations in the town.

In making the biggest painting, the real challenge was to make this execution possible in four days. The paint we selected for the task was NCR paint chlorinated rubber paint which needed to be developed in seven different colors of the rainbow as before It was only available in white, yellow, black, and Red. Technical support was taken for the purpose to tint this for the first time by any company in Pakistan. All the execution work needed to be completed in a single night, for this we needed a force of applicators and our objective was to make the largest painting of Pakistan covering an area of 65,000 Sq. in 9 hours. For this a team of 65 painters was aligned for completing the project overnight, avoiding any disruption of the traffic. Traffic wardens were provided by the Government for a continuous flow of traffic along with the floodlights, safety cones, and a water management team to wash the area before the painting.